
The Effects Of Alcohol Abuse On Sexual Behavior

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A Review of the Impact Alcohol Abuse on Sexual Behavior Alcohol addiction is one of the leading causes of preventable death and is estimated to cause about 10% of total disability-adjusted life years lost (Heiling). Alcohol abuse disproportionately affects younger, able-bodied individuals in the prime of their lives thus, this disablement places an extensive economic burden on society through loss of productivity as well as a drain on the health care system. Despite these facts, beyond liver damage, little is understood about the widespread impact of prolonged alcohol abuse on humans. Discovering the more general effect that alcohol has over the entire body through a behavioral endocrinology lens may provide insight into genetic mechanisms that make individuals predisposed to alcoholism as well as potential treatments for recovery. This review will center around the primary question of what impact does alcohol abuse impart on sexual behavior in humans? In order to answer this question, this review will examine the immediate causation of alcoholism as well as its evolutionary and adaptive causation by compiling current research in human, rat, and baboon models. Furthermore, this review will provide a basic background of the neurobiology of alcoholism, critique potential shortcomings in current research, and suggest directions for further research for the impact of alcohol dependency on sexual behavior.
WHAT IS ADDICTION? Addiction, as defined by the American Society of

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