
The Effects Of Alcohol On The Consumption Of Alcohol

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There are a multitude of aspects to consider as to why an individual would be dependent on the consumption of alcohol. One being the living environment of an individual has an effect on alcohol abuse according to the studies found, McCaul et al (2009) talks about this theme and goes on to say that the more licensed alcohol establishment’s in one particular area means it’s more likely for someone to drink on a regular basis as it’s not out of their way. Another reason may be the individual’s emotional state can have an impact on how much they drink, according to Callanan et al. (2009) people consume alcohol as a way of coping with emotional factors such as stress and depression. Economic factors may be an underlying cause of alcohol abuse. Callanan et al (2009) found that the monotony of unemployment presents its self as an opportunity to consume alcohol which may become habitual.
There are many negative psycho, social and economic factors that may affect an individual abusing alcohol. St. John et al (2009) said that anyone living in a more deprived area neighbourhoods are more likely to abuse alcohol which may be down to boredom as more people in deprived areas abuse alcohol as a way of freedom from the real world for a short period of time. Economic factors may be an underlying cause of alcohol abuse. Callanan et al (2009) found that the monotony of unemployment presents its self as an opportunity to consume alcohol which may become habitual. Lee et al (2009) states that

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