
The Effects Of Autism On Children With Different Disabilities

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When I was kid in elementary school I always wondered why there were students who walked around my school that looked and acted differently. I understood everyone was different or unique, as my teachers would say, but these kids more unique than usual. When I got to high school I was able to expand my understanding for why there were students who were different. Now that I am in college not only has my understanding, I am also able to apply what I’ve learned in a real setting if ever needed to. In the middle of the semester I was able to observe a classroom that catered to children with different disabilities and I decided to focus on the children that were showing symptoms of Autism. As I was doing my observation I noticed that the …show more content…

People with PDD usually have fewer and milder symptoms than those with autistic disorder. The symptoms might cause only social and communication challenges (2004).
As I was observing the children in the classroom I was noticing every one of their behaviors and learning styles was different. For example, there was a little girl who liked to get treats when she was learning, also known as positive reinforcement, and this worked for her. She was engaged because she knew she was getting a treat if she answered correctly vs little boy who needed more help or more direction when he was trying to get through his worksheet. Something I also noticed during my observation period was that behaviors of the children were not the same. Some of the children’s behavior was more aggressive than other children. The other children were more relaxed, but very fidgety while they were sitting.
Does one develop autism or is one born with autism?
As I continued my research I grew curiosity for whether one can develop autism or one is born with autism. Paul Wang, vice president for medical research and senior for autism speaks, tells his audience autism can’t be reliably diagnosed until the age of two (Wang, 2012). Wang also explains that parents often notice symptoms before the age of two, “symptoms are rooted in brain differences that are present much earlier in development” (Wang, 2012). Wan also adds “Even though the outward symptoms of

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