
The Effects Of Bad Loans Of The Bank During The Past Five Years Essay

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Data on table 4.2 shows respondents’ years of work with Societe Generale. The study shows that most employees (34%) have worked for periods between six to ten (6-10) years. 33% have been in employment for periods between 11-20 years. 24% have been in employment with for less than 5 years whilst the remaining 9% have worked for the bank for over 20 years. These findings show that sampled respondents are people with experience in the banking industry as a whole and Societe Generale in particular and therefore qualifies to give credible responses to questionnaire instruments. Krietner (1995) states that more experienced workforces are able to impact knowledge to co-workers and even clients thereby improving efficiency and effectiveness. 4.3 Analysis of the trend of bad loans of the bank during the past five years Before tackling this research question which sought to establish the trend of bad loans of the bank during the past five (5) years, the study asked some preliminary questions to understand the nature of loans and its disbursement in Societe Generale Ghana Limited. This analysis sought to establish the trend of bad loans of the bank during the past five years from 2011-2015. Table 4.3 Non-Performing Loans Societe Generale YEAR GROSS NON-PERFORMING LOANS RATIO 2011 8.15% 2012 7.5% 2013 7.35% 2014 13.75% 2015 14.8% Source: Societe Generale Annual Report & Financial Statement 2011-2015. Table 4.3 shows the trend of non-performing loans ratio by the bank in general for

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