
The Effects Of Recidivism On The United States

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Reviewing Literature
Sociologist, psychologist, and political figures have made concerted efforts, to analyze, predict, and resolve the detrimental social and economic impact of recidivism as it relates to communities within the United States. Yet recidivism remains a problem in the US. The focus here is not recidivism itself, but to understand which aspects of case management services may assist in lessening recidivism after an offender’s incarceration.
Nationally within three years of release, about two-thirds (67.8 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested (National Institute of Justice, 2014). In Illinois, over 45 percent of offenders released from prison each year recidivate (Green, “Illinois Policy,” 2015). There are many possible factors contributing to recidivism. However, this study will only explore the lived experiences of ex-offenders and their case management services. This study will focus on identifying the phenomenon that exists within participants lived experiences who received case management services in a transitional homes setting after incarceration.
Case Management
Case management assists ex-offenders returning to the community through a vast array of programs. Case managers coordinate and expedite the use of medical screening, housing assistance, parenting classes, and employment (Sheedy & Whitter, 2013). Case management assists with leadership philosophies that initiate change within the offenders and provided needed skills for offenders to

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