
The Effects Of The War On The Criminalization Of Black People

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The criminal justice system targets black males more frequently than anyone through the creation of political propaganda such as the war on drugs. This measure was taken to disenfranchise and criminalize black people. Anyone who openly accepts a group of people, would not go through such drastic measures to suppress them. According to an article in the Huffington Post written by Law professor Bill Quigley “whites and blacks engage in drug offenses, possession and sales, at roughly comparable rates…while African Americans comprise 13% of the US population and 14% of monthly drug users they are 37% of the people arrested for drug offenses” (Quigley). This is a systematic measure to ensure the criminalization of black people and is the result of the war on drugs campaign started by President Nixon in 1971. …show more content…

Effects of the war on drugs campaign are drug arrests increased rapidly, rising from 320,000 to close to 1.6 million, black males are also 13 times likely to be arrested for drug possession than white males; this is a result of laws like stop and frisk created after the war on drugs

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