
The Effects of HIV Related Stigma

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For nearly three decades, the world has struggled to control the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The fact is that poor understanding of the related issues of stigma, discrimination and denial has hampered national and international programs. (3,4,5) HIV/AIDS is not merely a medical problem, but a social problem as well (1). Stigma and discrimination are as central to the global AIDS challenge as the disease itself. (2)
HIV-related stigma and discrimination can be described as a devaluating process of PLWHA where discrimination is enacted stigma comprising unfair treatment of PLWHA () and it is most debilitating for already marginalised populations ()

Combating HIV stigma in health care settings: what works?
Laura Nyblade*, Anne Stangl, Ellen Weiss and Kim Ashburn

Stigma and discrimination can result in negative health outcomes for PLWHA. Although there are many layers of society where discrimination occurs, this study focuses on the healthcare context. It is the healthcare facilities where the PLWHA discover their HIV status, can get information about the prevention and care, and receive treatment. Therefore, it is particularly important to study HIV/AIDS related stigma and discrimination faced by PLWHA in this setting. Studies report that S&D predominantly occurs in the healthcare sector and is the most commonly reported by PLWHA (Mbwambo, 2003). Health care settings are reported to be the most significant contexts for stigma and discrimination in India()
Studies have reported

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