
The Effects of the Bubonic Plague in In The Wake of a Plague, by Norman Cantor

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In The Wake of a Plague, written by Norman Cantor, focuses on the Black Death and the combinations of effects that it inflicted upon 14th century Europe. Cantor identifies the drastic changes in the religious, social, theological, geographical, psychological and economic aspects of Europe; although, his most intriguing points include the biomedical effects within the Plague. He recounts specific events that lead up to the plague, occurred during the plague and speaks of the aftermath concerning the plague. He wrote the book in order to relate the experiences of victims/survivors, as well as illustrate the impact of the plague upon the social structure, government, etc.
The Black Plague, also know as the Bubonic Plague, was relentless towards everything it came into contact with. It left four out of five infected individuals dead within two weeks of being infected. There were very few, if any, medical advances during this period of time—the late medieval times; although, the citizens during this time period did believe that they had created a foolproof method involving mashed snake flesh. Eventually, it came down to the fact that there was no biomedical breakthrough to save the people of the 14th century. Although this news is devastating to hear, there is some news to rejoice. The descendants of survivors of the Black Plague may be immune to AIDS, approximately “15% of the Caucasian population” to quote Cantor. This news could potentially lead to a cure for AIDS.

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