
The Elevation of Life Before Death in “Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night”, by Dylan Thomas

Decent Essays

In “Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night”, Dylan Thomas argues ferociously against the standard, pessimistic read towards men kind’s final ending, death, and urges the dying to rekindle their spirit and blaze even within the end of their life. Dylan Thomas’s main argument is that the dying have a life that is not yet fulfilled therefore implying further opportunity to elevate life before death, however, while this could well be valid, Thomas still lacks a certain glimpse of empathy to fully convince readers that this is a completely selfless plea. The fact that the speaker (presumably Dylan Thomas since the given intimate context of the poem makes the speaker and Thomas indistinguishable) humbles the various accomplishments that the categories of men depicted in the poem may have achieved in their life time suggests that he is unable the recognize the efforts of these men and is therefore indifferent to them. According to Thomas, the “wise men” refuses to resign to the “good night,” because they realize “their words” - their most powerful asset that spreads wisdom, have not yet “forked...lightning,” a metaphor for obtaining universal influence. A technique employed consistently in each stanza, Thomas’ use here of contrast between “good night,” a repeated metaphor for death, and the extremely zestful lightning bolt makes passionate appeal for one to choose light rather than dark, life rather than death. However, this sense of underachievement is the opinion

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