
The Embodiment Of Selfishness In Arthur Miller's The Crucible

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Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, is a tragic play with a significant message that is carried out through the actions and behaviors of a variety of characters ranging from heroic martyrs to malicious calumniators. On the side of the victimized heroes there are over two dozen innocent people who were put to death. Some of these wrongfully killed characters are principals in the play, such as John and Elizabeth Proctor. Conversely, on the malevolent, pernicious side of the story there is a group of people determined to destroy or take the lives of others. Anew, some of those malignant characters are principals in the play. The quintessence of these abhorrent characters is Abigail Williams. The most despicable character in The Crucible, is Abigail, who is Miller’s embodiment of greed and selfishness; Abigail’s behaviors throughout the play such as being unremorseful and defiant make her the most detrimental character Miller conjured.
Selfishness is a recurring theme in The Crucible, as one's own reputation and place in society acceded all other priorities. Abigail was one of the first characters to display this soon to be unforgivable trait. Abigail took her own interests into consideration and nothing more; she was obsessed with self-preservation, revenge, being accepted, and getting what she wanted. Abigail was willing to do anything, even lie and take the lives of others to get what she desired. One of those desires was an older, married man, John Proctor. Right from the start

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