
The Emotional Effects Of Of Ptsd

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The emotional symptoms of PTSD are depression, worry, intense guilt and feeling emotionally numb. Another symptom is anhedonia, which is defined as the inability to experience pleasure and characterised by becoming disinterested in activities that were once enjoyed. The emotional numbing involved in PTSD may present as a lack of interest in activities that used to be enjoyed (anhedonia), emotional deadness, distancing oneself from people, and/or a sense of a foreshortened future, for example, not being able to think about the future, make future plans or believing one will not live much longer. At least one re-experiencing symptom, one avoidance symptom, two negative changes in mood or thinking, and two hyper arousal symptoms must be present for at least one month and must cause significant distress or impairment in functioning in order for the diagnosis of PTSD to be assigned. Matters that tend to put people at higher risk for developing PTSD include being female in gender, having minority status, increased duration or severity of, as well as exposure to, the trauma experienced, having an emotional condition prior to the event, and having little social support. Risk factors for children and adolescents also include having any learning disability or experiencing violence in the home. There have been strong experimental foundations for the treatment of PTSD, involving a range of psychological approaches. The ‘Little Albert’ experiment carried out by Watson and Rayner, (1920),

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