
The Environmental Effects Of Aquaculture

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Fish cultivating, otherwise called Aquaculture, is an industry that utilizes ocean life for business purposes. A standout amongst the most widely recognized fish species that are cultivated worldwide is salmon. The greater parts of the salmon that Americans consumed are cultivated in British Columbia and develop in open net pens set specifically in the sea; creating environmental threats in all areas it takes place. The problem with open net cages that are placed directly in the ocean is; the release of ocean harming farm waste, chemicals, and diseases. Before these problems can be solved, a look at the salmon net cage industry is needed, along with the environmental impacts. Open cages are not secure in fact many farmed salmon can escape, escapees usually occur during storms or damages made to the net by their predators. The problem with escapees is that they are known to travel long ways and carry diseases. Farmers are encouraged to treat farmed salmon with antibiotics since they are in open net cages in the ocean and are prone to diseases found in the ocean. In Four Fish, Paul Greenberg deprecates the idea of farming salmon due to a “…a privatization of public resource and farming sites that previously belonged to no one […] density of salmon farms increased nitrogen waste built up, causing algae to bloom and die and, in the process, deoxygenate the water (Greenberg 49).” Such toxic chemicals on the nets that surround the fish farm that is streaming straight into the

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