
The Epic Of Gilgamesh Essay

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The story I wrote is an adaptation of “The Epic of Gilgamesh” by Herbert Mason. My adaptation is based off of the theme in the epic of “personal growth and development.” In “The Epic of Gilgamesh,” Mason conveys this theme by transforming Gilgamesh from “a tyrant to his people” (15) to a ruler who was “awed at the heights his people had achieved” (92), determined to better the lives of the citizens of Uruk. At the beginning of the story, Gilgamesh is a greedy, obnoxious king, with little-to-no respect for anyone. Later, however, after many journeys and a loss, Gilgamesh sees light at the end of tunnel. The ruler experiences normal life, having to endure hardship, and the loss of a friend. He doesn't get what he wants, as he normally would as a king. Through this grief and …show more content…

He knows he must move on with his purpose of the King of Uruk, to better the lives of his people. We see Gilgamesh transform from a selfish deity to a compassionate mortal as the story progresses.
In my adaptation, I am striving to maintain the elements of Gilgamesh that make the epic unique. The three main characters of the epic were A) Gilgamesh and his large ego, B) Enkidu and his loss of innocence, and C) Utnapishtim, and his guidance and second chances. The three main events of the epic were A) the capturing of the Forest of Humbaba, B) the death of Enkidu, and C) Utnanpishtim giving Enkidu a second chance to live by providing Gilgamesh with a flower to revive his lost friend. I decided to make my adaptation about a convenience store being robbed, to imitate the Forest of Humbaba being captured. I have one character, Jimmy, who acts as Gilgamesh by convincing his guiltless friend, Derek, to rob the store with him. Jimmy has a very commanding presence in my story. He also gets

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