
The Epitome Of The Wealthy Man In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

As we begin the novel we gain the impression of Gatsby’s greatness. We see that his exuberant wealth and his high social status has created a façade of this greatness. He was the epitome of the wealthy man during the 1920s. As a host of lavish and opulent parties, Gatsby drew much desire and wonder to himself. But as we dig deeper into Gatsby’s life we see it for the tragedy that it is. We discover his true past and the extent at which he went to transform his life. He is exposed as none other than a high-end criminal and liar, and we discover that the life he created is nothing but an illusion. His seedy ventures into bootlegging were revealed and we learned what his true history was with daisy. We see that his life is a classic rag to riches

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