
The Ethical Dilemmas Of The Pediatric Field Of Nursing

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Nurses working in the pediatric field of nursing are faced with a wide variety of ethical dilemmas. There are many ethical dilemmas that can arise in the work field. Many individuals are having a tough time deciding to vaccinate their children; this in turn can leave society with a huge dilemma ethically. I am choosing to write about not vaccinating your child and why I feel this can be an ethical dilemma. Society today is faced with so many preventable illnesses that can simply be resolved by vaccinations. There are a number of individuals that chose not to vaccinate their children for a variety of reasons. We all want the best for our children and I understand their concern, however by choosing to opt out on routine vaccinations from birth to twelve years of age is not the safest option to take. The American Nurses Association (ANA) has developed principles for nurses to follow to provide a safe environment for all patients. Many times in the medical field you are challenged with very complex ethical dilemmas, as a nurse you need to be aware of them and how to deal with them. Communication is an important part of our careers. Through communication we are educators too. It is in our job to talk with our patients about vaccinations. Vaccinations are one of public health’s greatest achievements, with talented sciencetist to make this ever so possible. America has been able to keep outbreaks of these diseases on the down low from families who choose to vaccinate

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