
The Existence Of Banquo In Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Banquo, a noble and honest man, was also killed at the orders of Macbeth. Although, the depth of Macduff’s loyalty to Banquo is not very clear, Banquo’s murder is part of the reason he fought vehemently against Macbeth. Macbeth saw Banquo as the man “which would be feared” (Shakespeare 88) for he seems to be faultless. Banquo is inquisitive, brave, honorable, willing to take risks or “dares” but also knows when to play things safe. A seemingly perfect person like Banquo is undoubtedly troublesome to a flawed being like Macbeth, for they bring righteousness with them which signals the flawed one’s downfall. Macbeth says to the murders that Banquo’s existence “thrusts/Against my near’st of life”(Shakespeare 92). Banquo’s existence proves to be

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