
The Expansion Of Commerce During The Industrial Revolution

Satisfactory Essays

Frank Stump
Professor Withers
Western Civilization II

Changing Times

Without change, growth is challenging. Without failure, succeeding isn’t attainable. The demand for more seems to bring out the inhumane values one strives to gain and acquire throughout life. The Industrial Revolution brought change to the culture of life to those who lived through it, and it also brought changes to those who would come to be in the years after its pass. The Revolution enhanced the lives of some, while it suppressed the life of other’s, and its impact is what has formed the culture of life as we know it. The expansion of commerce was a key factor in the beginning stages of the start of the Industrial Revolutions. The replacement of the feudal …show more content…

This opened the door for inventors to advance the means of transportation. Canals that were dug allowed for a better connection to the main waterway’s and thus increased the outlets of transportations. From the steamboat that was invented by Robert Fulton to the locomotive that George Stephenson invented, more goods could be distributed. Cities grew fast due to the influx of civilians that were looking for work. The invention of machines in factories helped to alleviate some of the physical labor that prior workers had to endure. Although the invention of machines helped workers in a sense, being a factory worker also meant that the once independent farm worker now was mandated as to when he or she was to work and for how long. These types of independences had been taken away by the needs and demands of the factory one was employed at. The living conditions also changed. Most of the employees lived in the ghettos that were close to the factories. They were tightly packed with other workers who came to city looking for work. The moral of skilled artisans fell as they once their own bosses in a sense, had to obey the rules of the factory. Their individualistic skills were no longer a major importance, as they were a product of the factory. They were a servant to machines that they ran. Workers were treated unfair since government

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