
The Fifth Amendment

Decent Essays

“James Madison and the Bill of Rights: A Reluctant Paternity,” by Paul Finkelman states that in May 1789, James Madison indicated his intention to introduce a series of amendments to the Constitution. A month later Madison found an opening to propose his amendments. He received disapproval from all sides. Former federalist allies interpreted Madison’s call for amendments as unnecessary, imprudent, or an attempt for Madison to gain popularity. The first ten amendments were ratified in December 15, 1791 (Finkelman). Should non-citizens of the United States have the rights offered by the Bill of Rights? In most cases, yes, but there are a few exceptions. (104 words) Barbara Feinberg describes the amendments in, “Explaining the Bill of Rights.” The First Amendment protects freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government to right wrongs. The Second Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. The Third Amendment states that in peacetime, citizens will never have to keep soldiers in their homes without consenting. The Fourth Amendment protects the people from improper searches of themselves, their possessions, or their homes. It states that a warrant must be issued by a judge who list what can be searched. The Fifth Amendment has three parts: rights of the accused, due process of the law, and eminent domain. Rights of the accused protects the rights of anyone accused of a crime by assuming that

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