
The Forcefulness Of Love In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

Hi. I’m Robert Brockhaus and I’m writing an essay about a Shakespeare’s classic drama called “Romeo & Juliet”. The themes are The Forcefulness of love which tells you about love that does happen no matter what happens in the plot and The Inevitability of Fate which tells you about fate that happens no matter what happens in the plot. Prologue Two households, both alike in dignity (in fair Verona, where we lay our scene), from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean, from forth fatal loins to these two foes a pair of star crossed lovers take their life, whose misadventured piteous overthrows doth with their death-marked love and continuance of their parents’ rage, which, but their children’s end, naught could remove, is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage—the which, if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, out toil shall strive to mend. Act I Montague and Capulet had their third brawl in the peaceful streets in fair Verona which the peace was disturbed by these two families. The prince of this fair town has caught some members of Montague and Capulet and strictly said, “If you fight one more time, you shall be caught …show more content…

Then Tybalt, Petruchio, and other Capulets arrive at the beach. Tybalt calls Mercutio gay and sooner or later, Romeo arrives and is told the scenario between Them and Tybalt. Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo tries to convince Tybalt to have peace, but Romeo kills Tybalt because he killed Mercutio, his best friend. Juliet hears that Romeo killed her cousin, Tybalt. Juliet gives The Nurse a ring to give to Romeo. Prince, other authorities, Benvolio, and Lady Capulet arrive at the scene of Tybalt's death. Benvolio tells prince the whole scenario. Then, Prince yells, "Romeo is banished!" Friar Lawrence and Nurse sends Romeo away from the fair town of Verona to a trailer

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