
The Freedom Of Hate Speech Is Not Freedom Speech

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Hate Speech is not Freedom Speech Between August 11th and August 12th of 2017, the world watched the disturbance news of what was going on in Charlottesville, Virginia. The horrific videos and images left the world in shock. Groups of white supremacy, nationalists, hitler youths marched in unison screaming, “White lives matter! Blood and Soils! You will not replace us! Jews will not replace us!” More groups enraged their voices across Virginia to scream hate speech to other races. They threatened the “Black Lives Matter” organizations by telling a few of them to “go back to Africa.” It was a tragic moment where it took a life. Heather Heyer’s life was taken away from her because of such hatred. All the hate they had towards another …show more content…

However, a person’s hate or bad belief should not be punished due to freedom of speech. There was two different hate crime cases that show their outcomes. In the R.A.V vs. City of St. Paul case of 1992, a white 14-years-old boy burned a cross in front of a black family’s lawn. The burning cross symbolize the Ku Klux Klan, an organization that spread hatred across the country. The burning cross showed the black family that they are not welcomed at their neighborhood. The family filed a lawsuit against them and it went to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court believed that the Minnesota law was unconstitutional, because they violated the boy’s First Amendment freedom of speech. The court ruled that the burning of the cross was not an illegal act, therefore; if the fire damaged the family’s property, it would have been a charged against the boy. The burning cross was a massage and not an action. The court attempted to punished white boy for his message. The second case, Wisconsin vs Mitchell of 1993, Mitchell and several black youths went to the movies to see, “Mississippi Burning,” where blacks were being beaten. After the movies, Mitchell saw a white youth and yelled, “There goes a white boy, let’s beat him up.” They went and attacked him. In a criminal law, penalties was based on the seriousness of the act. Beating someone up can cause a criminal penalty if it was a senior citizen, a child, a police officer, or a teacher. Under

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