
The French Revolution: The Most Significant Events Of History

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The French Revolution is known to be one of the most significant events of history because it changed France and also altered the government. The French Revolution was a process of elimination for the absolute power of the King and an act done to balance out taxes throughout the Estates. This event instigated equality and liberty for the people and produced fair living standards for all social classes. Now this event didn’t just happen with no cause, it was due to the economic, social, and political causes that came along the way. One of the main reasons for the French Revolution was because of the economy. By 1787, the French government was bankrupt. France was making purchases with expenses that were higher than its income. The French were spending cash on palaces and on exceptionally expensive wars. In order to raise the money back, the food prices started to increase …show more content…

In France, there was an absolute monarch, also known as King Louis XVI. He had absolute power over anything and everything, meanwhile the peoples’ power were constantly limited. People were denied basic rights and had no say in government under absolutism. Eventually, there was an age of Enlightenment with thinkers that believed in specific rights. The Enlightenment was a new set of ideas by thinkers that attacked the king and church. For example, John Locke was a believer in natural rights which is the belief for people to have the right to life, liberty, and property. He believed that the government is best with limited power and permission from the people. Another thinker that was well known was Baron de Montesquieu. He believed that governments should have a separation of powers to protect liberty and also thought governments should have checks and balances. These Enlightenment thinkers were greatly admired by the people who supported democracy because they were for the people and their

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