
The Game Of Cricket Has A Long History

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Physical education starts from the very birth of a child. Physical activity includes play, exercise, games, sports, athletics, leisure and recreation. Exercise refers to exertion of muscles, links etc for health sake. Game denotes physical exertion for amusement or competition governed by definite rules. Sports mean all those physical activities done for diversion, amusement, pleasure or success. The game of cricket has a long history. Research showed that “creag” was the name of a game played in the year 1300 in England. This game was played with a crooked stick. A cricketer bat was originally in a curved shape. No school has ever come up with any other explanation that “creag’’ was cricket but essentially it is an English game. A few scholars argue that cricket dates from a game known as ‘Creag’ referred to in early medieval literature, but it is generally accepted that the first reliably dated reference is one that showed up in the guide merchant book of 1598. The game of cricket has always been loved throughout the country. Whenever a tournament starts, the cricket enthusiasts forget their daily work and are glued to the television set. Cricket stumps were first pitched on Indian soil as early as 1721 in Cambay situated in the same western region as Ranjit Singh’s Nawanagar. Along Bombay’s marine drive and in the vicinity of church gate. Cricket is played everywhere. The early encounters were between the army and the settlers of the East India company. Then in 1792,

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