
The Gift Of The Near-Rearing-Baptisms In Foster's Film Titanic

Decent Essays

There are several types of “baptisms” as described by Foster, and the classic film Titanic portrays an example of the “near-drowning-baptism” with Rose when she and Jack are hanging onto a plank that can only support the weight of one person. Jack decides to sacrifice his life for Rose, so that she may live to a ripe old age. On the other hand, Rose does not want Jack to leave her because it would mean giving up her one true source of happiness and love. However, as Rose holds onto Jack’s body, she realizes that his sacrifice is his gift of a lasting thrill of adventure, excitement, freedom, and most importantly, love. He had given her everything she desired when she was distraught by her forced engagement to Cal Hockley and her mother’s guarded

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