
The Giver Dialectical Journal

Decent Essays

Ordinary World “Who wants to be first tonight, for feelings?” Jonas’s father asked, at the conclusion of their evening meal. pg 5 Call to Adventure “You will be trained to our next Receiver of Memory.” pg 64 “But you will be faced, now,” she explained gently, “ with pain of a magnitude that none of us here can comprehend because it is beyond our experience.” pg 62-63 Reluctant, Refusal to the Call “No, I don’t. I can’t,” and throw himself on their mercy, ask their forgiveness, to explain that he had been wrongly chosen, that he was not the right one at all.” pg 63 Mentor “ The failure of the previous selection was ten years ago, and my energy is starting to diminish. I need what strength I have remaining for your training.” (pg 76) Cross the First Threshold “No voice made an …show more content…

Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away.” pg 129 Approach the Inmost Cave “ If they lost you, with all the training you’ve had now, they’d have all those memories again themselves.” (pg 144) Ordeal “The life where nothing was ever unexpected.Or inconvenient. Or Unusual. the life without color, pain, or past.” pg 165 “It was not safe to spend time looking back..He thought of the rules he had broken so far: enough that if he was caught, now, he would be condemned.” pg 165 “And he had taken Gabriel, too.” pg 166 Reward “ They were in an isolated place; fields on either side of the road were dotted with thickets of trees here and there. He saw a stream and made his way to it across a rutted, bumpy meadow; Gabriel, awake now giggled as the bicycle jolted him up and down” pg 167 The Road Back “But he had began, suddenly, to feel happy. He began to call happy times. He remembered his parents and his sister. He remembered his friends, Asher and Fiona. He remembered the Giver.” pg 177 Resurrection “ Memories of joy flooded through him suddenly.” pg

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