
The Giver Theme Essay

Decent Essays

The Giver by Lois lowry illustrates how by forgetting bad memories or good memories you forget emotions and without emotions people can’t truly live life. First, Jonas realizes the true pain of life and that it's not just happiness. Jonas sees, “what seemed to be a field of groaning men… Dirt streaked the boys face and matted blonde hair hey laid sprawled his gray uniform glistening with wet fresh blood”(150). The article illustrates the theme when jonas receives a memory of war and is on a battlefield of wounded man crying for water and help. As proof, Lois Lowry shows how when Jonas received this memory he also developed a new emotion a true emotion of grief and true sadness which is unfortunately a big emotion of life and an emotion that …show more content…

They hugged on another”(154). This evidence adds another emotion jones receives when he received the memory of Christmas and sees a family that loves each other. Another example of Jonas getting a vital emotion you use day to day and one of the best emotions that his community doesn’t have and is sheltered from it. Jonas learns what love is and without love life doesn't have much point because then there's nothing to strive for, to hope for, or to desire and crave. Without love lifes is just boring love makes life beautiful. Finally, Jonas receives an important emotion his community once again doesnt have and is another key emotion in life.”Comprehending all of those thing as he sped downward he was free to enjoy tyeh breathless glee that overwhelmed him”(103). The story emphasizes how little jonas knows when he received a memory of sledding and learns what fun is as he sleds down the hill. Similarly, Jonas receives a memory of fun where he had no worries and sped down hill where his community will never experience something like this and never get to live that type of true fun that makes life worth living that makes life fun. Once again his community is sheltered from the truth because of sameness so they will not ever have the big part of life that is

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