
The Glass Castle Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

“I was on fire” is one out of many memorable phrases used in The Glass Castle. The Glass Castle is a memoir written by Jeannette Walls about the trials and tribulations she and her siblings had to deal with while growing up. Though not all of her childhood was a struggle, she did experience some joyous moments too. Walls later on grew up to be an author and a journalist. Her memoir, The Glass Castle, should be required as summer reading for the Class of 2019 because Walls's life is very interesting and the memoir is relatable to different aspects of our lives.
When you are reading a biography or a memoir, you don't want to read about a life so boring that it puts you to sleep. If you're going to read about someone's life, you want that person's life to be interesting. Especially if the life you live at the time is not interesting in your opinion. Moments in her life such as when she and her brother made an “arsenal of rocks” fly and hit Ernie are just some of many things that made her life interesting. This event is interesting because it shows how she fought against her bully. She did not take all of her bully’s nonsense. She fought back. In this memoir, Walls makes sure that even the boring parts of her life still captivate the reader. …show more content…

Such as when Walls and Dinitia stopped trying “to be close friends.” There are a lot of teens who can relate to this moment when at some point of time they start to become distant from some of their close friends. People who you were close with before start to become a distant memory. Another relatable moment in the memoir is when Walls couldn't “think of a comeback to” Ernie's comeback. Teens can probably recall a time where they were in a similar situation where they could not come up with a comeback after being made fun, whether it was as a joke or

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