
The Gospel of John Essays

Decent Essays

John as we know today was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. He was also the brother of James, who was also an apostle. John was the son of Zeebee and of Salome. His father was a fisherman while living in Bethsaida in Galilee on the border of the lake Gennesareth. John's mother was one of many women who gave to the maintenance of Jesus Christ. John's parents were very good people, they loved God and his son. It is said that john and his brother James were fishing when Jesus came and chose them. They were soon known as the fishers of men. The John of whom I am talking about is John the Evangelist.

"It appears, that of all the apostle John was especially favoured with our Lord's regard and confidence, so as to be called the …show more content…

Later Emperor Dometian had taken John to Rome where he was beaten, drugged, and put into boiling oil. When he stepped out he was banished to Patmos. When John was on his way to Asia to give the word, the ship was caught in the storm, and everyone but John drifted to the shore. Everyone thought John was dead. Two weeks later John appeared at the shore at the feet of the disciple Prochoros. A lot of amazing things have happened to John. "When John denounced idol worship as demonic, followers of Artemis stoned him; the rocks turned and hit the throwers" (John 1). While John was praying in a temple, heaven shot down flames and killed 200 men who worshiped a different god. The dead were raised and they all changed their ways and were baptized. He also drove out a two hundred and forty-nine year old demon out of the pagan temple. Another thing he did was purifying seawater.

John saw God do a lot of great things. John wrote about when Jesus turned water into wine. Jesus was at a wedding when the host ran out of wine. He did not know what to do. Jesus told them to fill up the jars with water, and then said take some to the master of the house. The man who took the water was very nervous, and did not think it would work. When the master tasted the water and it was wine. John also wrote about Jesus healing people at the pool. Jesus saw a man lying by the pool wanting to get in. But every time he would get close to the pool, someone else would get there

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