
The Grandmother Deception

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Everyone is out for themselves... this is how the grandmother character was. The grandmother only cared about herself, herself and if there was a little more room it would be herself. However, this deception might be deceived when she tells her son that she "wouldn’t take my children in any direction with a criminal like that aloose in it. I couldn’t answer to my conscience if I did." As the story progresses we see how the grandmother did not only led them to the criminal on the loose but also did not show any mercy towards her own blood and only try to save herself.

The most important feature for the grandmother was for other individuals to know she was a lady, which is humorous, due to the fact that besides appearance, she was everything but a lady. The grandmother is not only selfish because she wants to manipulate Bailey to go to Tennessee, but also when she directed them to the plantation she had visited when she was younger, knowing it would delay them and knowing Bailey did not want to make extra stops; furthermore, causing the accident and hoping she was injured to avoid repercussions. In addition, we can see what kind of lady she is when she tells The Misfit that he "wouldn’t shoot a lady", as well as offering her soon to be dead sons clothes to his murder. …show more content…

In contrast, once Bailey was murdered, the mother did not want to live anymore, however after every one of the members of her family was dead, the grandmother was still trying to find the weak spot of The Misfit 'heart' with religion and his family; the grandmother's effort to empathize with The Misfit through religion and his family was unsuccessful, since The Misfit ends up shooting her anyway, although she delayed the progress by using her lady characteristics, the grandmother was only able to delay it enough until she was the last member of the family to be

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