
The New Deal And The Fireside Bowl

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The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic collapse that occurred in the 1930s. It was a pivotal moment in American history. Its effects were not only felt in the United States, but spread worldwide. In response and as an attempt to rectify the calamity, President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched a set of federal programs called the New Deal.
The New Deal was aimed at bringing about an end to the crippling Great Depression with the least amount of economic casualties in America as possible. The novel In Dubious Battle by John Steinbeck, The River documentary film by Pare Lorentz, and the Fireside Chats by President Franklin D. Roosevelt were all documents that contributed to a better understanding of the Great Depression and the New Deal. These documents helped to highlight that the big picture of the New Deal was beneficial in the advancement and restructuring of American lives but was flawed to the extent of how it would be implemented and enforced. Roosevelt assumed that many people, such as landowners, would automatically orient to and empathize with the New Deal. However, not everyone shared the same feelings and point of view as President Roosevelt did.
Between 1933 and 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made a series of addresses to the public via radio emission, in what have come to be known as the Fireside Chats. In his second fireside chat, he outlined the proponents of the New Deal and what was the goal of the New Deal for the American people. To

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