
The Great Depression Of The United States And Canadian Plains Essay

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As the Great Depression continued to tighten its grip on America, nature turned against many already suffering Americans. The Dusty Bowl, also know as the Dirty Thirties, was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damages the ecology and agricultural production of the United States and Canadian plains. Many farmers and ranchers were driven to the Great Plains by the American sense of expansion. The land they inhabited was used primarily for ranching till advances in agricultural mechanization and high grain prices caused by World War I, made agriculture more productive as ever; thus causing farmers to exploit the land in their attempt to make a large profit, setting up the region for an environmental catastrophe. As a result of over farming, a failure to implement dryland farming techniques-which would have prevented topsoil wind erosion-and a severe drought, 150,000 square miles of land in Kansas, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, faced havoc not previously seen in American history. The first “black blizzard” occurred in 1931, and they occurred till conservation efforts in the 1940s, but the damage had been done, reflected on the upturned land and record heat, as well as the unleashed swarm of locust and jackrabbits, causing terror in children and adults alike. Consequently, massive amounts of people migrated from the plains fleeing the storms, and those who stayed faced the harmful effects from the inhalation of dust particles.
The Great

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