
The Great Gatsby Daisy

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The Great Gatsby is a novel by a author by the name of “F. Scott Fitzgerald” which was set in the early 1900s . Throughout the novel we learn about numerous characters such as Nick which is the narrator, we learn about Tom, Daisy, George, Myrtle, and Gatsby. Nick and Daisy are 2nd cousins and Nick knew Tom back in Chicago. Tom and Daisy, Daisy and Gatsby, and Myrtle are all having an affair in the story which had the affairs unveiling all throughout the movie. Reading the story i feel like there were two themes which are “Most people live a lie pretending to be something that they are not” and “People usually get what they deserve”. In the book Tom, Daisy’s husband ,and Daisy thought just maybe Tom was was her dream guy, the one she was supposed to live the rest of her life with. Tom and Daisy have a little girl who was around 5 years old. Through Daisy and Tom’s marriage Tom was having an affair but was making himself look like a good man. Tom Buchanan was cheating on Daisy with his Mistress ,named Myrtle Wilson. Throughout the novel the readers get to learn about three affairs that are happening throughout the …show more content…

In the book all 3 of the affairs had a somewhat of a payback to each of the ones that cheated. In the novel we see that after Myrtle was cheating she ended up dead, from a car that hit her. Before the killing of George wife, Myrtle, he had found out that his wife was having an affair with his business partner ,Tom. George locked his wife up before she killed, she was somewhat of kidnapped. With Tom cheating on Daisy before gatsby even came back, Tom actually got what he deserved because the wife he was cheating on, came back and was cheating on him also, but Daisy never knew Tom was cheating until later on in the story, but Daisy’s cousin Nick carraway ,who was the narrator in the story, new about Her Husband’s

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