
The Great Gatsby's 'Chivalry Is Dead'

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In all honesty, I never expected the topic of chivalry to come up during a lunch conversation. The discussion began when Alvaro grabbed Britney’s chemistry textbook as well as Lucia’s binder, later he moved it to grab my chemistry textbook, but I said no. Alvaro replied that he was being a gentleman and he wanted to carry my book. I still didn’t allowed him to grab my book and told him that chivalry was clearly dead. “Chivalry is dead” is a saying used in modern society, but some people don’t know what chivalry truly is to begin with. Chivalry was once the foundation of a male’s code of ethics. They started out in the medieval times, and even though chivalry failed sometimes, it influence other cultures to have that as the basics of a …show more content…

Alvaro’s suggestion to carry my textbook essentially made me feel insulted due to the fact that I can carry my chemistry textbook without anyone’s help. I believe the women are equals to men. Anything a men can do, women can do so as well. However, that didn’t stop Alvaro from proving me that chivalry still existed and he was a gentleman. After finishing our lunch, he held the door for the three of us. As expected, Britney walked through the door he held, but Lucia and I walked through the other door without his help. There were about two more attempts and every attempt, I denied his help. At this point, I think he believed that I am incapable of doing things for myself. Later, he tried to lead us to our class and instead I said that there was no need and I could take us there and that’s exactly what I did. Granted as I was caught up in getting to my Algebra 2 class early, I didn’t realize until after it happened that Alvaro had opened the door for us again and I had passed through that door. I did sense a feel of shame as I was trying to prove him wrong, but it reality I was helping his

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