
The Great Leader: Dwight D. Eisenhower Essay

Decent Essays

Dwight D. Eisenhower was born in Texas in 1890 into a family of seven sons (American Decades). He was a bright man all throughout his life and achieved many goals that would be impossible for any ordinary person. World War II gave him a chance to use his talent for organization to lead the United States to victory (American Decades). He is famously known for his courageous acts during the invasion of North Africa, D-Day, and for his great communication skills.
As a child, Eisenhower outshined many classmates in school and received an invitation to attend West Point, a prominent military academy in New York. After joining the army, he was quickly promoted because of his hard work and dedication (The White House). Eisenhower always respected …show more content…

After months of heavy fighting, they surrendered in May 1943.
Although he helped American troops in North Africa, Eisenhower’s biggest feat was the invasion of Nazi-occupied Western Europe, better known as D-Day. As the Supreme Commander of Allied Expeditionary Forces in World War II at the time, Eisenhower gave permission for a massive invasion called Operation Overlord. He only had a window of four days to launch the attack, but jumped at the opportunity (Koves). The 40 mile stretch of the beaches of Normandy, France was divided into five sections: Juno, Sword, Omaha, Gold, and Utah (Operation Overlord Animated Map). Late at night on June 6th, 1944, aerial troops secured both the eastern and western parts of the beach. In the morning, seaborne soldiers began to attack the coast (Operation Overlord Animated Map). By June 27th, the Germans had wrecked their ports, assuming this would slow down the Allies. Their attempt failed, and finally, on August 25th, the French army successfully liberated Paris (BBC News).
Dwight D. Eisenhower was a man full of brains, and always used his communication skills to help his country. This came in handy during World War II. “He argued that this war, more than previous conflicts, would require careful planning and logistical precision—skills at which he excelled” (American Decades). Better than most officers, he understood that politics and the military were closely entwined. On February 10, 1943, he became a

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