
The Green River Killer : Avoidable Or Inescapable?

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The Green River Killer: Avoidable or Inescapable?
Gary Leon Ridgway, better known to the general public as The Green River Killer, was a prolific serial killer whose chosen hunting grounds were Washington State during the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. Ridgway’s victims of choice were prostitutes and underage runaways, which he strangled and whose bodies’ he dumped in wooded areas along the Green River, inciting the pseudonym the Green River Killer. Reportedly, he often returned to the dumbed bodies to have sexual intercourse with them (Wikipedia, Gary Ridgeway). He was convicted of 49 murders in December of 2001 after DNA evidence verified his involvement. Consequently, Ridgeway was sentenced to life in prison instead of given the death penalty in a plea bargain in exchange for the names and locations of his victims’ remains, but after his sentencing in 2003, Ridgway admitted that he had actually murdered closer to 80 women. (BIO, Gary Leon Ridgway).
While there are dozens of theories for crime causation, the ones that seem to apply the most to Gary Leon Ridgway’s situation are the Social Process Theory and the idea that he might have had a disturbed personality. It is impossible to pinpoint the exact cause for Ridgway’s deviant behavior because it could be due to a number of factors, but based on his background, the two aforementioned theories make the most sense. Even so, some areas of both theories have limitations in explaining his deviancy.
According to the Social

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