
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

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In The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, Claire and Michael Bartel are happily married and have a daughter named Emma and they are expecting a second child. One morning a black man named Solomon knocks on their front door. He is a mentally handicapped handyman that was sent to build a fence for Bartel’s house by the Better Day Society, who finds jobs for the mentally disabled. Later that day, Claire has an appointment with her new OB/GYN, Dr. Victor Mott. While she is being examined by Dr. Mott, he sexually molests her. After she leaves his office, Claire goes home, showers, and then tells her husband Michael about it. Michael encourages Claire to report Dr. Mott; Once Claire reports the complaint, at least four other women accuse Dr. Mott of the same thing. Then Dr. Mott is brought up on charges and he decides to commit suicide. In the wake of Dr. Mott’s suicide, his widow Mrs. Mott, who is seven months pregnant, learns that her husband’s assets have been frozen and that she can stay in the Mott home until the baby is born. But upon leaving the meeting, Mrs. Mott collapses and is rushed to the hospital. While at the hospital, she has a miscarriage and has to have a hysterectomy. Later, Mrs. Mott sees Claire Bartel’s picture on TV and thinks that she is responsible for Dr. Mott killing himself and her baby boy that died, so she swears to get vengeance on Claire. Six months later, Claire has given birth to a baby boy, Joe, and Solomon is still working for the Bartel’s. Claire and

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