
The Handmaid 's Tale By Margaret Atwood

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Opressing The Opressed
From the days of the cavemen to now, societies have systematically oppressed people for various reasons. Oppression has happened to Jews in Germany, slaves during Christopher Columbus’s days, slaves in the early 1900s in America, etc. When people systematically oppress one another, it leads to internal oppression of the oppressed. This is evident in Margaret Atwood’s book, The Handmaid’s Tale. This dystopian fiction book is about a young girl, Offred, who lives in Gilead, a dystopian society. Radical feminists complained about their old lifestyles, so in Gilead laws and rules are much different. For example, men cannot wink at females, females cannot expose too much, etc. Females are protected from any harassment; however, there are downfalls: the government runs and sees everything. The government decided that Offred’s role in society is to be a handmaid, who is a person that is assigned to have sex for the sole purpose of reproduction. In The Handmaid 's Tale women consistently live in fear because they have a distinct role that is predetermined by a radical form of government, and when people are systematically oppressed, they will be internally oppressed.
In the society we live in people celebrate the ceremony of birth. Birth is concerned a beautiful thing, and females are given the choice of who they want to reproduce with. However, in Gilead, Offred is a handmaid, which means she must reproduce with The Commander to keep Gilead populated.

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