
The Handmaid's Tale By Margaret Atwood

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The Handmaid’s Tale is a futuristic novel set in the Republic of Gilead, a dictatorial Christian society that has ousted the American government to come into power. The new government demands its followers to have a moral, highly religious and virtuous lifestyle guided by the Bible. The Handmaid’s Tale focuses on the journey of Offred, a handmaid during this era. Offred has viable ovaries, a fact that makes her valuable to the Commander and his wife who are in need of a child. In her previous life, Offred had been used to taking her freedom for granted. Unlike her mother, she is not a feminist and therefore is not used to fighting for rights. Even in the new world, she is passive about her new life, unlike her friend who is feisty and determined …show more content…

If Atwood had given her a strong personality such as Ofglen’s, readers would not be able to see the extent to which a person can gradually compromise to extreme regime would not be as clear as they are in the story with Offred as the narrator. Author, as well as the readers, witnessing Offred’s transformation, seeing her follows the flow and slowly drowning, but we couldn’t help her. Because you will never be able to save a hopeless, indulgent person, like you will never be able to wake up a person who pretends to be sleeping. Offred is portrayed in this manner in order to show the importance of criticizing the wrong in society, agitating for change and being politically aware. In her previous life, she had been unquestioning of the issues around her and took her freedom for granted. “We lived, as usual, by ignoring. Ignoring isn’t the same as ignorance, you have to work at it. Nothing changes instantaneously: in a gradually heating bathtub you’d be boiled to death before you knew it.” (chapter 10). Through her, we realize that the complacency of women leads to the spread of a patriarchal society, and this eventually works to their advantage. Atwood denied that The Handmaid’s Tale is a feminist novel, that albeit extreme, narrates how women are deprived of their rights by the society. It is the story of how everyone plays a role in perpetuating the patriarchy for their own gain, while others such

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