
Dance In Canada Essay

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Dance is the word that is broadly that used to define a human behavior characterized by expressive movements of the body. It is the grace, artistry, and classicality and precision that distinguishes ballet from other dance styles. People have danced for many different reasons such a religious, entertainment, tribal rituals, exercise or to simply to express something that cannot find voice in words. For as long as people inhabited Canada, there has been dance and it has subsequently played a role throughout Canadian history. In Canada dance history began with indigenous dance of First Nations Peoples, but with the arrival of European settlers came more European dance forms such as ballet, which have shaped dance in Canada into what it is …show more content…

In the creation of the National Ballet Company, an artistic director had to be carefully selected as this position must be filled by someone with extensive professional experience in ballet. The artistic directors job in to help shape new visions, provide inspired leadership and contribute to the strategic direction of the company. During this time period Toronto Boris Volkoff created another up and coming dance company and may have been willing to accept the challenge of leading a better financially resourced local company such as the National Ballet, but he was overlooked in favor of a woman named Celia Franca. She was an incredibly gifted dancer, ballet mistress (woman who directs and teaches and rehearses dancers in a ballet company) and an up emerging choreographer imported from London. Franca was the NBC's founding artistic director. She successfully ran the company for twenty three years, over which time the company developed it character that is strongly rooted in classical ballet yet still embraces up and coming modern works. The National Ballet Companies precision and style is recognized and respected around the world. Founding Artistic Director of the National Ballet of Canada: Celia Franca
Despite was its title “The National Ballet Company”; the company never received an official "national" mandate. Franca and the NBC’s board of directors chose to independently to give the company a national base by selecting its dancers

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