
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Essay

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy As the human race makes life-changing discoveries, it is made apparent that there is always more to learn as the universe, instead of becoming familiar, is becoming absurd. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, written by Douglas Adams, as well as the 2005 film adaption, portrays absurdity to be an all-encompassing system in the universe. Through the introduction and attempt to understand lack of reason, the narration of important elements and the human perception of the universe, the novel is as a whole, more complete than the film. With these points it is irrefutable that The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy develops the theme of absurdity with greater prowess than the film, resulting in a deeper …show more content…

The novel, rather than describing a complete lack of order, has characters trying to give meaning to events around them. This reinforces the theme of absurdity by strengthening the impact each instance of absurdity has on the novel. The film overlooks this through an overall lack of explanation, resulting in the overall theme of absurdity being collectively, less meaningful. By blatantly introducing absurdity, and attempting to understand the lack of reason, the novel provides a deeper understanding of the theme of absurdity than the film. Furthermore, the novel’s narration of events allows greater flow of information, with the film’s restrictive media preventing specifics that further the theme of absurdity from being disclosed. The towel is a symbolic item in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, with the Guide, an intergalactic encyclopaedia, that is also the narrator, reads: “A towel… is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have,” (Adams 22). The novel highlights the theme of absurdity more copiously than the film, with the Guide, a universally esteemed source of information, presenting such a trivial object with arbitrary significance. The film includes the towel, but without a narrator, the towel’s significance is never stated, and this key instance of absurdity is not developed. Similarly, the lack of narration and explanation of scenes in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy leaves the audience

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