
The House On Mango Street American Dream Essay

Decent Essays

Many are familiar with the “story-truth” of the American Dream. There is a wealth of stories in regards to individuals who persevere through adversity and achieve staggering feats, working to make their American Dream a reality. However, The “happening-truth” of the American Dream is more dim, filled with stories of failure. Even through hard work, many Americans are barely able to sustain themselves, let alone consider following a dream. The United States has a strikingly high poverty rate for being a wealthy country- more than 10% of Americans are living in poverty. The American Dream is just not practical for many, obstructions, predetermined from birth, such as location, socioeconomic status, and race, are pivotal factors in attaining the …show more content…

Even in the 21st century, minority populations have to battle prejudice and inequity before fighting for the American Dream. In the novel The House on Mango Street, it is very difficult for Esperanza to attain her dream “to have a house. A real house,” mainly due to a combination of her location and her ethnicity (Cisneros 10). Residing in a neighborhood primarily composed of minorities, Esperanza’s family resolved to send Esperanza and her siblings to private school due to the lackluster public schools in their area. Because Esperanza’s parents choose to allocate money towards their children’s education, and “the Catholic high school [cost] a lot,” they are unable to provide sufficient funds to purchase “A real house” (Cisneros 37, 10). This is a tradeoff, Mama and Papa decide to invest in their children's education rather than real estate, valuing the success of their children over their own desires, for their location made it impossible to do both. The substandard schools that accompany minority communities in America cause Esperanza and her family to continue to move each year, farther and farther away from her dream of a white picket

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