
The Immigrant Contribution

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Being an American to me means to be free and to have vast indepence. But what being an American means to my whole generation could be the total opposite. Because some may be recent immigrants and have restricted freedoms. Others may have a family member who is trying to immigrate, or know one who has emigrated. The main reasons people emigrate to a new country are to get a better job, practice the religion they have always wanted without restrictions. Most of all just to be free and have a better life for their family.

In the story, “A Quilt Of A Country”, it explains have all different ethnic groups become united as one. This was a very difficult process in the beginning of the creation of the United States Of America. For example, when …show more content…

They were all hoping for freedom and economic prosperity. A few of the names mentioned in the story were, Andrew Carnegie, who was an industrialist from Scotland, William S. Knudsen, who was a Danish immigrant that specialized in the auto industry. There was also a fur trader by the name of Jacob Astor who was from Germany. All of these immigrants offered their knowledge and created jobs for many others. This allowed the other immigrants that were the same ethnicity with money, food, and a roof over their head. With the early start of these immigrants pursuing their dreams, this allowed for my generation to have so many benefits and opportunities. If someone my age or older were to immigrate to America they would have a better chance at getting a job than they would have many years ago. All thanks to the people that immigrated many years before …show more content…

Because in the story there was a 14 year old girl named Elena who was a Puerto Rican immigrant. She develops a crush on a non immigrant named Eugene. Eugene was a very smart boy and was in all AP classes. Elena was very smart as well, but was not the best at American English. Over many days looking out her window at Eugene’s house and seeing him in the halls at school, she decides to set up a study date with him. She sees him at school and they converse about the study date and he seems very shy about it, but he also seems very interested in her. So a few days go by and then the day she has waited for has finally come. The day she will finally talk with Eugene and tell him about her window where she can see his house. She was planning to study for her American History test with him. Elena gathers her books and heads toward the door, she hears her mother ask where she is headed. She says she is going to study with Eugene but after she said that her mom got quite mad. Her mom was saying the she shouldn’t be doing anything today because she should be mourning the President JFK’s assassination. Elena being the stubborn teen she is, she goes to study with Eugene anyways. She walks up to the door of Eugene's house and his mother comes to the door. She has white nurse scrubs on and red hair and pale skin. Elena looks at her and says, “I’m Eugene’s

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