
The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks By Rebecca Skloot

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In The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot describes Henrietta Lacks, who strikes her interest from the first time she learns of this Lacks in her college biology class. Henrietta was an African American woman who passed away from cervical cancer in 1951. Rebecca Skloot’s biology professor, Donald Defler, explained that cancer is the result of the uncontrollable reproduction of cells. Around the time that Henrietta realized she needed to see a doctor about her unusual condition, researchers had been in the midst of of trying to make human cells reproduce in a laboratory condition, but couldn’t seem to successfully develop cells that would reproduce the way they wanted them to, until the HeLa cell, named after their donor Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta’s story interested Skloot so much that she could not go on without knowing Lacks’s real story, which was relatively unheard of in this time. Most information on Henrietta did not even know her real name, as a result, Lacks was often referred to as Helen Lane.
Henrietta Lacks, born in Roanoke, Virginia in 1920, was the unknowing victim of …show more content…

These cells have been crucial in scientific discoveries such as in vitro fertilization and development of the polio vaccine. Despite Lacks’s extensive contributions to the medical world, she is rarely credited for being the source of these amazing cells. Lacks’s family didn’t find out until many years after her death that HeLa cells were becoming an extreme source of wealth for many scientific researchers. Henrietta’s family resented the fact that they were unaware of and not rewarded for the work being done with Henrietta's cells and tried to avoid all researchers that tried to contact them about their mother, including Rebecca Skloot. Rebecca had to gain the trust and friendship of Deborah Lacks, Henrietta’s daughter, before she was able to collect any information about Henrietta’s life

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