
The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks By Rebecca Skloot

Satisfactory Essays

Grady McGlawn
Mr. Sanders
8 December 2015

In “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”, by Rebecca Skloot, is about an older woman named Henrietta. Henrietta was an older woman who had kind of a rough background in her childhood. Her childhood made her a little tougher as she got older, for example, she had a bump that was bothering her but for some reason she refused to get it checked out by the doctor. When Henrietta finally decided to get it checked out she learned that it was something that the doctor wasn’t too sure about so she then made a few more trips which later on led to the doctor telling her she had cervical cancer. Henrietta soon passed from the cancer because it was covering her whole body.
Key Idea 1

After she passed, the doctors took some of her cells to study and after studying them they had come to figure out they were a one of a kind and very special cell. Her cells are the first immortal human cells that have been grown in human culture which is basically saying that her cells are reproducing and never are dying nor decaying. The doctors named them HeLa cells because of the “H” and “e” in Henrietta and the “L” and “a” in Lacks. These cells also were huge because …show more content…

She grew up without a mother because she died when Deborah was just one year old and her fifteen year old sister, Elsie, who died in a mentally ill hospital. Her mother’s cells were being tested on constantly and you know she didn’t feel too great when they were infected with viruses and sent up to outer space. The family also got nothing from Henrietta’s cells being tested all time from the scientists. Let’s just say that Deborah was probably nothing but frustrated and sad while the scientists used her mother’s cells to test different things out because it just made her think of her mother that she never knew and the fact that they were using Henrietta’s cells by hurting them

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