
The Impact Of Nature By Rachel Carson

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The advent of industrialization and mankind's insatiable quest to devour nature has resulted in a potentially catastrophic chaos. The race against time to sate the ever-increasing numbers of hungry stomachs has taken toll on the environment. Man has tried to strip every resource Earth has to offer and has ruthlessly tried to eliminate any obstruction he perceived. Nature is an independent entity which has sustained and maintained the balance existing within it. Traditionally, spring season hosts the complete magnificence of nature in full bloom. It is evident in the very first chapter when Rachel Carson talks about a hypothetical village which was the epitome of natural rural beauty and was a delightful scenery for the beholder. The village was surrounded by wilderness with abundant flora and fauna. The charming village soon faced the wrath of a creation having chronic devastating effects which changed the surroundings forever. Insects died, followed by birds, and other animals. Soon even humans suffered with ailments, succumbed to unexplained illness' and generations thereafter bore the brunt of the past. Yearning for a better yield, farmers used pesticides and herbicides to cure crops of unwanted pests. They remained unaware of the diabolical and indestructible substances they had …show more content…

She was born in Springdale, Pennsylvania and she breathed her last in her Silver Spring home of Maryland. 'Spring' was a term closely associated to her life. Rachel Carson and her contributors from the scientific community had changed the course of legislations and policy-making in the field of environment. They had predicted the effect of the chemical substances on genetic material even before DNA's existence and its structure was determined. People who witnessed the environmental disaster in the making, welcomed the

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