
The Importance Of A Post-Secondary Education

Decent Essays

To many students it may come as a surprise that once they hit there senior year they realize they don't know what they want to do with there lives, or which college they wish to use in order to become the person they want to be. They become seniors and then realize they aren't ready to go to college or to move away from home. I know this because I'm going through it right now. Growing up, college was always the end goal in my mind. My parents and teachers would emphasize the importance of getting a great education through college. They talked about all the amazing opportunities that would come after receiving a post-secondary education, and many of my peers were told similar things. The discussion my family and I had was never about if I was …show more content…

He said that success in high school would directly lead to success in college. Simple enough, and true in some aspects; however, when I reflected on this idea, it was mostly inaccurate. High school since its inception was always meant to harbor good work ethic and habits; however, in practice this doesn’t always play out the way it was meant to. In high school, you can go through the majority of your four-year experience without much effort and can still succeed. The homework isn’t too intensive and teachers give out several opportunities if students miss their mark. This isn’t bad practice to guide students through their four or even more years of their college journey however, it can lead to a difficult switch during their freshman year of college.

One of the exceptions to this is Timothy McGee. While Mr. McGee doesn't just hand you the credit he does do his best to help you succeed and graduate so you can get out of high school and into college where you will be taking the classes you want to take when you wish to take them. McGee is a great teacher and will always be remembered as one of the best teachers I have ever had. McGee has prepared me for college more in the last half of a year then high school has for the last three, for that I thank

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