
The Importance Of Censorship In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Many high schools throughout the country incorporate the novella Of Mice and Men, a story about two men during the Great Depression, into their curricula. One compelling aspect of the story is that one of the protagonists is disabled, which has created an enormous amount of controversy in communities across the country A multitude of parents have come out to call this book unsuitable for their children and many other high school students due to its motifs and subtext. This perspective has led to the novella being censored in a myriad of schools. Despite its divisive impact , Of Mice and Men does hold many life lessons and addresses topics that can create valuable and indelible learning experiences for its readers. . Ultimately, Of Mice and Men should not be censored in schools because the novella introduces sensitive topics in a mature way, as opposed to learning the topics outside of school, and banning the novella sets a poor precedent for other books of cultural value to be prohibited due to its sensitive topics.
Censorship is not a new issue whatsoever; in fact, many books and movies have been censored before due to explicit material. One of the books that is consistently challenged is Of Mice and Men. Of Mice and Men, written by author John Steinbeck, discusses many subjects that parents deem are too inappropriate for students. This has lead to the novella being one of the most challenged books.
In Of Mice and Men, there are many sensitive subjects discussed,

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