
The Importance Of Columbus Day On America

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In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. This mnemonic is known by most American adults and taught to children in some schools. However, this rhyme holds a belief in it that is not true. When children are taught that Columbus set sail in 1492, they are also taught that when he did so he discovered America. This is truly and utterly false. If Columbus Day is no longer named as such, the Native Americans will be celebrated and a minority group will be represented rather than a murder. By seeing that Columbus did not discover America, Columbus was a murder, and the holiday Celebrated based on a common misconception, Columbus Day can become a more enjoyable holiday for everyone. Many children and adults believe still believe that Columbus discovered America. Contrary to common belief, Columbus did not discover America and he never set out to prove the world was round. In Columbus's time, the fact that the earth was round was common knowledge. However, Columbus believed that the diameter of the earth was extremely small even though scientist had already proven otherwise (Blakemore). In 1942, Columbus sailed the ocean blue to prove that he could cross the Atlantic by boat in only four days (Blakemore). Of course, the King and Queen repeatedly rejected Columbus's requests for resources to sail until they were desperate enough and needed more resources. Ultimately, Columbus's famous discovery only happened because the Queen was desperate. Nevertheless, the Queen and King's

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