
The Importance Of Courage In The Kite Runner

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Life is an endless cycle of ups and downs. The "ups" represent the most wonderful moments that occur in an individual's life, while the "downs" exemplify the moments where an individual experiences the lowest point in his or her life. With this idea in mind, it is essential to recognize that a person cannot experience the "highs" without the "lows", or the "lows" without the "highs". In other words, a human can achieve happiness if he or she has the courage to try again or to live again when he or she has fallen down. For instance, Sandra Cisneros and Amir, a character from the unforgettable story, The Kite Runner, written by Khaled Hosseini, show how the virtue of courage allowed Cisneros to achieve her dream of becoming a writer and Amir to finally atone for his past sins.
Cisneros displayed the virtue of courage by attending college and pursuing a major in something that her father deemed "silly", which is English (pg. 367). Even though her brothers thought that the idea of her going to college was "hilarious", Cisneros was not disheartened, instead she focused on her studies and continued writing poems and stories (pg. 367). Deep in her heart, Cisneros knew that the reason her father only agreed to her going to college was because he thought that she can meet a "nice professional" man on campus who will be able to provide her a luxurious life (pg. 367). Despite the lack of support from her family, especially her father, she made something of herself. Cisneros didn't

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