
The Importance Of Demand In Toronto GTA

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This article shows that condo rents price in Toronto GTA rocketed because the demand exceeded the supply. In the article, since 2005, a vacancy rate of purpose-built flats was only 0.6%. It means that the demand of apartments has been increased. In other words, the amount of apartment to be rented in Toronto GTA is being in short supply. Accordingly, the average rent has gone up 10% from last year.
The article provided clarity by using accurate data such as percentages of supply decrease or demand increase rents in Toronto GTA during certain period. In addition it addressed specific increased average price of the rent per month; the figure can help understand how much it soars. Also, by using the statements of expert in the field, reliability was added. …show more content…

However, after I learned the relation with demand and supply, I found out that the price can be determined by how much the demand and supply are. That is, the price cannot be an only primary cause, which is able to decide the economy; price becomes an effect in the economic activities after demand and supply are determined. In the limited amount of economics, the scale of relation with demand and supply will show more distinct fluctuation that if the demand goes up, the price will be go up, and if the supply goes down, the price will be go down because there are not many factors, which influence on the relation between demand and supply in limited

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