
The Importance Of Free Speech Amendment

Decent Essays

Dear Founding Fathers,

I am writing this letter with concern to two of the amendments written on the US constitution.

Firstly, I would like to talk about Free Speech Amendment. The bill of Rights States that, “Congress shall make no law… prohibiting the… exercise of… freedom of speech.” Even though this amendment has helped our society nowadays, I feel as if the amendment was made too strict. These amendments protect individuals from having their speech limited by government action, which is intended to stop a government from silencing speech it doesn't like. However, there are some special cases (later discussed in this letter) which make it hard for the government to do their job at times. Due to this, the amendment should have been …show more content…

Furthermore, according to the Government of the United States in “Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, or ethnic origin”.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of the word law is “a binding custom or practice of a community; a rule of conduct or action formally recognized as binding or enforces by a controlling authority.” Although the government tries to keep free speech to a maximum, there are a few occasions where they would prohibit selected people from free speech. This really only happens when free speech makes it difficult for the government to do their job; which is keeping people safe. For example, someone works for the FBI, or has access to classified information which should not be told to the entire nation. In this case, the government has no choice, but to not allow that person to share that information freely. Even though this amendment has helped our society nowadays, I feel as if the amendment was made too strict. These amendments protect individuals from having their speech limited by government action, which is intended to stop a government from silencing speech it doesn't like. However, there are some special occasions where the government is unable to perform tasks needed to keep the people of the country safe. Additionally, many people

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